Friday, April 5, 2013

Time For You

Think about how much you are important to the world. You performing at your best potential is the quickest way to get to your dreams. You must allow yourself to inhale your greatness and exhale it to the world. No matter how small you believe your gift is express it in a major way. You are the important factor in making history. Don't allow others perception of you minimize your ability , and thought process of what you already know you can do. I want you to push past the problems that were yesterday and think of right now. I want you to present yourself to the world at your full potential of greatness.

Peace and Blessings,


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Thursday, April 4, 2013

Dreamers Testimony

Some days when I'm alone with my dreams I start to think about when will my day come, and I won't have to worry about anything besides what to write down on a piece of paper. When is the last time that you were honestly able to be happy??? There is nothing like having someone behind you and your dreams.

But what about when you don't have the support, but just the dream. What do you do? How long will you last like that? Who holds you at night? A dream can't hold you at night.

Dreamers are people with a vision of becoming something greater accompanied by a grind. I am such a person and I've known since I was 10 years old that I wanted to be a writer. I decided right than and there that I wanted to be a writer that was different, and wanted to put all my heart and soul into everything that I wrote.

Peace and Blessings,


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