Sunday, February 24, 2013

Inspirational Quote By: MiddleSoul

"Don't think about yesterday and act as though tomorrow never existed."-Daniel J. Davis

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Inspirational Quote By: MiddleSoul

"Never measure yourself up to another persons success, because you'll never measure up."-Daniel J. Davis

Inspirational Quote By: MiddleSoul

"Your faith will push you even in your darkest hour."-Daniel J. Davis

Release the Emotions/New You Today

Sometimes we leave our heart in a situation that needs to be removed from our lives. You can't move your mind from a situation and leave your heart. This will cause conflict within yourself. There are enough people in the world that will cause conflict or troubles in your world, and so I advise you not to add onto that.

Surround yourself with people who are doing better than you, so you have something to strive too. Don't strive to be someone else when being you is perfect, unless you aren't trying to advance in life. Sometimes that will mean not hanging around the same people you grew up with. This doesn't mean your a sell out or don't support your friends. It just means that you realize that you have a life too and you need to live your life to the fullest as well.

It is a new year and you need to leave what happened in 2012 in that year. No one said, "Life is going be easy." Who ever did let me meet that person. Life is a going to be filled with successful moments. You may ask how when I'm broke or I failed that test on Social Studies?? Well your broke you know how to be broke that is easy but how about you looking for a job not accepting being broke?? You could also start that new business that you have dreamt about. It is time that you start it. But it takes money to start a business. This is true but to keep a business alive the CEO must be "The Dreamer"that doesn't give up on the business being a success. The CEO having faith in his/her business is "The Heartbeat" of the business. Once he/her gives up on the business being a success than that is when the business will fail. When it comes to the Social Studies grade of an "F" I've done that more than I can remember. But the thing about getting an "F" you know what you need to review. Than something I advise you to do is study that and the next chapter so that you are ahead of the class. I suggest that you "Chase after your dreams like you have hot coals on your feet"-Daniel J. Davis


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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Leaving my Reflection In My Reflection

I made the choice to leave that part of my past. No need to go digging for something different than what is seen on the surface. No reason to dig with my hands in and toes for love, because was never there in the first place.

I know that this something that I may not want to deal with, but I'm not going try and play myself for stupid. I have enough people who's going try and play me for a fool so why would I show up as a well dressed fool.


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Inspirational Quote MiddleSoul

"Don't forget to pursue the dream that you dreamt last night tomorrow isn't promised."-Daniel J. Davis

Inspirational Quote By MiddleSoul

"If you don't chase after your dreams, you give someone else permission to do so."-Daniel J. Davis

My Relationship Cycle

Have you ever thought if things with that special someone had worked out you wouldn't feel the pain that you do now?? Sometimes that's a true story and sometimes it's just a part of the past that needs to remain that your past. Reminiscing about the past of you and that person only draws you closer to the that heartbreak that you desperately are trying to get away from. I mean how many times do you need to have this happen before you learn?? Now that was just a time of me speaking to myself and to you. Now you would think that I would do differently after dating for 17 years? But sometimes once you repeat a habit of something's sometimes you become numb by the situation. I mean this is what "heartbreaks" makes me numb. I've had so many that it doesn't hurt as much and so I guess in my mind I'd become us to it. It's like I'd tell people that I have a "relationship cycle" between Jan -Apr I'll be dating but by May I'll be single and by the end of the summer I'll be in a new relationship. By my bday happens in Sept I maybe with the same woman by my bday but I won't see her on my bday . By Oct I'll be starting another relationship but by Christmas I'll possibly single thru the new year. This is my "relationship cycle" has gone on for about a decade and people ask why don't u smile?? Well here is your answer look at my "relationship cycle" I've never felt the love I write about for a very long time but a short while. One day I'll meet someone that will change that my cycle.

-MiddleSoul Testimony

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Monday, February 18, 2013

The Conversation Between The Heart and The Soul

I've been having dreams about us and how things use to be. I know things didn't work out the way we planned for several different reasons. I'm too old to go back and forth about the past; especially when life is short and I see you in my future. Why don't we just start with creating new memories and leave the past as the stepping stone for tomorrow? We can start one conversation at a time ,before we can actually rebuild the foundation that we set than. But I'm willing to lay each brick one by one if that means you will be there with me. Everything happens in its correct time and order now some people may not agree with our decisions concerning this matter. But this decision isn't based on their thoughts or feelings ,but based on the conversation between your heart and my soul.


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Friday, February 8, 2013

Old Pains Existing Today/No More

Sometimes we try to hide our pasts troubles and we push them (our pain) under a rug. We think that if we hide the pain that it wont hurt as much ,but the truth is that it will rise again. The truth is that you haven't dealt with all the pain. So you hurt today and even if you deal with the pain doesn't mean you will get over it right away. But dealing with some of it today will change tomorrow. The process must start in order for you to finish to a better life.

Love, MiddleSoul

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